I have been with Import WP Pro for a few weeks now, and it’s working great.
I have 2 imports:
a) Import against an ACF Custom Post Type called Products > when i come to my templates fields mapping I can map against _yoast… fields.
a) Import against an ACF Custom Post Type called TLRD > when i come to my templates fields mapping I CANNOR SEE the _yoast… fields., so I can not map my CSV fields against _yoast ones.
Below, I have a screenshot of a drop down of Custome Fields options from “Product” importer and there I see my _yoast fields.
But on the second screenshot whihc comes from my 2ne importer that uses another ACF Custm Post Type called TLRD and Import WP is not showing the _yoast feidls.
Any ideas what could be the issue, help would be appreciated.
PS: I compared both ACF Post Types and there are no apparent differences other than they use different Field Groups.
Best regards,
Keep up the good work!