Folder/subfolder structure of 1600 jpg to upload in gallery WITH legends


Import WP Updated 1 year ago 4 Replies

Fred asked 1 year ago on December 6, 2023 at 1:43 pm

Dear all,

I got an extraction from an old dotclear website: a structure of 1600 JPG classed in folders and subfolder.

I also got an extraction of all pictures’legends that I organized in a CSV with 1 line per pix/legend.

I am looking for a way to populate the WP media library with this folder/sub/pix in one shot…

I am also looking for a way to hook every legend to its picture…

So I was wondering if your tool could be capable of this upload ?

I basically don’t know WP, work for free for a non-profit organization (college alumni) and have no budget… They have nobody understanding anything about computers, reason why they omitted this whole part of the users requirements when asking the creation of their new website to their vendor – who did a very good job but the budget is now over…

Attached a csv test file containing the one line per jpg with columns for: Folder/subolder, file name, complete path (here on disk), title, (dummy) legend. Obviously the pictures are stored on my PC in the same structure.

Hoping so much to find a solution, our alumni have no more web site / photo albums 🙁

Thanks a lot, best regards,



James replied Support Agent

1 year ago on December 6, 2023 at 1:52 pm

Hi Fred,

What is WP Gallery, is this the media library or is it a plugin that has been installed or something different?

Are all the images to go into a single gallery, or are they to be grouped in some kind of way?



Fred replied

1 year ago on December 6, 2023 at 2:36 pm

Hi James, thanks for answering I appreciate :)

The target is the media libray yes, I corrected my question.

Techically the target is indifferent to me - one or several galleries, the final goal is to be able to query and find pictures by school class all years, all classes one year etc... So I imagined to keep, within the media library, the current structure of class pictures/scool year/year as in


where "evenements" is a main folder for events' pics, "1908"  is a sub-folder for all event' pics that year, or again


where "personnel" is a main folder for teachers' pics any year

or finally



where "promo-1953" is the main folder for all pics of scool class 1953, any year (pics names include year and class id).

I though keeping the folder/subfolder could help hooking legends to pictures...

Thanks -Fred


James replied Support Agent

1 year ago on December 10, 2023 at 2:54 pm

Hi Fred,

By default the wordpress media library doesnt group or label images, it uploads all media into a single folder based on the current year and month.

I would recommend finding a media library plugin that allows you to organise  the images how you require, and once you have that sorted then it would just be case of importing media following that format.



Fred replied

1 year ago on December 10, 2023 at 3:44 pm

Dear James, thanks again for this.

I found a different solution - but don't know how to close this post ...

I found a freeware that let me bulk insert folder names into folder's file names. Doing so my file names include all folder name info necessary for queries :)

I also inserted new file names (without dot extension) into file legends so I can just query legends to retrieve pics I need :)

Therefore the native WP single media library storage folder is not a problem anymore.

Appreciate your help anyway :)
