I cant import the repeater fields innto my site.
I tried the csv export, changes the name of the recipes, and import it back but i only get the ingredients for 1 recipes (not both of them).
Is the csv bulk import works with repeater node?
SO, I tried the XML version.
I followed the instruction here: https://www.importwp.com/docs/import-advanced-custom-fields-repeater-fields-data/
I tried to export and XML field to see the structure and then, try the import back but it dosent work.
I cant find the “Repeater Node” labels or items.
DO i need to create manually an XML file with this structure? I want to create a recipe website and need to import 50 000 recipes…
Im doing a simple test right now to understand how the plugin.
With the 2 example recipes tant I sent you, would you explain to me ow to import those in my website?
I would prefer if it can work with csv. It would be easier to me.