Trying out the test install, quick question


Pre purchase question Updated 1 year ago 9 Replies

Chris asked 1 year ago on December 7, 2023 at 7:15 am


I see you have acf in the test install and I decided to try and replicate the cpt, tax and custom fields that are in the content I want to export, manipulate in a spreadsheet and reimport to see how this works.  I created the cpt\’s, custom tax\’s and custom fields and went to try and enter a few test posts.  

Is it possible to create this info in the test install?


James replied Support Agent

1 year ago on December 8, 2023 at 1:00 pm

Hi Chris,

You should be able to setup and test this, acf could be used to create custom post types / taxonomies with what ever custom fields you need.

I can set the lifetime of your demo to not expire so that you can test as much as required, if you need help with anything let me know.



Chris replied

1 year ago on December 8, 2023 at 4:05 pm

Hi James,

Thanks for taking the time to repsond to this. I did create a custom post, taxonomies and fie;ds but they did not appear in the wp dashboard so I was not able to access them. Would you like me to try again?


James replied Support Agent

1 year ago on December 8, 2023 at 4:51 pm

Yes if you can do and i will set it to not expire, i just presumed acf would work on a multisite instance.


James replied Support Agent

1 year ago on December 8, 2023 at 4:58 pm

I think it is related to the way the sandboxes are setup, i have created a custom post type "Movies" and a custom taxonomy "Genres" under that post type, this way you can add custom fields to either.


Chris replied

1 year ago on December 8, 2023 at 10:38 pm

I don't know if it is needed for me to set up test. I can test the lite version without the custom fields. I am sure you can confirm that a CPT caled "activities" that oly has a title, content, excerpt and with taxonomies "item" "company" "location" and three custom fields "image" "book-button" "calendar-button" which are all URL Fields in ACF can be pulled in, in bulk say 300-400 posts from a spreadsheet. And, I would be able to export that data back into a spreadsheet, change and add data as needed to the existing fields etc. and then re-import it... That can all be done, right? On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 6:58 AM Import WP Helpdesk <> wrote: >

James replied Support Agent

1 year ago on December 9, 2023 at 4:47 pm

Hi Chris,

I have modified your test/demo instance here: , i have added a acf link, text and image field onto the books/activities post type.

Created an exporter: , here i have set the following fields:

* post_title - Title
* post_content - Main content
* post_excerpt - Excerpt
* image.url - Featured Image
* acf.image_field::url - Acf image field url
* acf.text_field - Acf text field
* acf.link_field::title - Acf link field title
* acf.link_field::url - Acf link field url

Leaving the column names as default/empty will allow when added to the imported to automatically populate fields.

Running the exporter will generate the csv.

Now you can edit the contents of the csv file in google sheets or anything.

Then open the importers tab, click on Add importer set a name, and select the activity post type.

Under the select file step, select uploaded file, and choose and upload the csv file.

On the templates step you can see all fields have be pre populated

On the permissions step you need to set the "Unique identifier" field to "ID", and this will use the ID column of the csv.

Then run the importer to update the post type records.



Chris replied

1 year ago on December 10, 2023 at 7:29 am

Ooops.  I rarely use or leave gmail open on my desktop.  Its my "not sure I want this person to have my email address" email address.  Sorry! :)  I went into the sandbox and probably deleted your work, but I was poking around in there trying to see what I could/not do and I do not recal seeing any of your work so I am not sure if everything you did actually even apeears in the sandox.  At any rate, I can see how the package works now and I think it is brilliant. I am also highly certain it will do what I need it to do.


1 lingering question.  Regarding the unique identifier ID field...  if I add a totally new post row in spreadsheet, how do I determine what to set the ID to? Or is it left blank? 


James replied Support Agent

1 year ago on December 10, 2023 at 2:46 pm

No problem, if you need help with anything just let me know.

The only thing you need to watch out for when creating the exporter is, make sure you choose custom fields from the acf section, not from the generic custom fields section, this will allow you to choose parts of the field such as an image url, a link url and title.

And leaving the Export fields as default by not setting a label, so that the importer can read the files correctly and populate the settings.

If the id is left blank, then a new record will be inserted (each time the import is ran), if you then export the csv file again the ID will be populated.

In regards to re-uploading data from an exported csv file, i did find an issue with the importer that would re-donload a fresh copy of the image due to the source urls not matching, this has been fixed in the Import WP v2.11.3 



Chris replied

1 year ago on December 10, 2023 at 5:49 pm

Thanks for going the extra mile! The images on this site are being pulled from an external url into an acf url field so that won't be an issue.  Thus will do the job, so much better ui/ux than wp import / export all.  Good job!