Record CSV preview doesn’t do anything on regular CSV import or by google sheet URL


Import WP Pro Updated 2 years ago 2 Replies

KC asked 2 years ago on January 18, 2023 at 9:34 pm


I have just started using your plugin and am experiencing issues. I’ve tried multiple methods and have had no luck. 



James replied Support Agent

2 years ago on January 18, 2023 at 11:12 pm


Thanks for the screenshot, based on that it seems that your website cant download from your google sheet and it is returning a 404 error which means the file cannot be found:



James replied Support Agent

2 years ago on January 18, 2023 at 11:46 pm

I noticed on the original ticket that you sent over some access details, i logged into this and was able to have a look at your importer.

I can see that the 404 error must have been temporary as you have managed to download files from google sheets. Looking at the Park listings importer under the "2. File Settings" step i can see that the enclosure has  been removed, entering this back to " allows the preview to render (however this value cant be saved, i am looking into this to see how an empty value was saved in the first place as this is required). A quick fix to get around this would to create the importer again with the default enclosure setting, this will be fixed in the next release.

In regards to the permissions, you need to change WordpressID__c to ID in the Unique identifier field.

And then on the template fields step you need to enable the ID field via the "Enable fields" button and set this to the value of the first column which would be {0}

Then in the Permissions update field you would change the "only the following fiels" fields to be custom_fields.combined_options2